Youth Youth Women Clean Air Clone of Youth

Creating a
Greener, Hunger Free Africa.

LEAF-LIVES AFRICA a Campaign contributing to climate change through clean air coalition and fighting hunger through mass food production through sustainable agriculture. This campaign was inspired by the need to preserve a natural climate and atmosphere as the saying goes our environment serves us as we serve it in return.


LEAF- LIVES AFRICA was founded by the end of 2021, inspired by the effects of COVID 19 that left many homes in despair. The pandemic which left many families in poverty, hunger, deaths and unplanned child rates. The program was birthed to solve such kind of emergencies in our communities. Hunger was at its peak since many African homes survive on a daily bread with no emergency income to sustain them. Poverty followed as there was no source of income as every economic activity stood still. The increase in high medical bills which could not be catered for by the poor communities led to loss of lives and left many families losing the little they have. Finally increase unplanned child births came last in communities that were already not doing well.


“Empowering a Hunger-Free Future, One Leaf One Life”

At Leaf Lives Africa we're passionate about nourishing people and the planet. Our mission is to revolutionize food systems, combat hunger and promote sustainable living. We believe that every individual deserves access to nutritious food, clean water and a healthy environment.



women empowered


families uplifted



hunger fought



trees planted

Grow Hope

Developing innovative solutions to address food insecurity and malnutrition.

Nourish Communities

Providing access to wholesome food, education and resources.

Thrive Together

Fostering collaborative partnerships, promoting environmental stewardship and empowering marginalized groups.

founder's image

bringing hope through restoration

We should be very honest for centuries we have robbed from Mother Nature. The land that feeds us, accommodates us and shelters us through pollution, extracting minerals for our own good, cut down trees for personal gains and survival. It would be a great thing if we gave back to nature. The best way to give back to nature is through restoration and conservation, start with what you have and where you are. i believe that planting a diversity of trees would create a change and enhance the health of our world. This will lead to reduced global warming, slow climate changes ,improved quality in the air we breathe and abundant rainfall in our communities to support living organisms and agriculture. It will provide shelter for the animal kingdom and support aquatic life too. With the above mentioned we shall have a bright future in the world for us and the future Generation.

founder's image

Isaac Mwebazemukama
Founder & Director

meet our team

As a team, we commit to

Angel Kobusinge

assistant Director

Dedicated to driving impactful results, turning innovative ideas into reality to achieve our mission and create lasting change.

Phionah Nakaseeta


I take pride in fostering sustainable livelihoods and preserving Africas breathtaking beauty .

Kwagala jane

head of agriculture operations

As a proud member of LEAF-LIVES AFRICA, Iam Striving for harmony between human activity and nature.

Ssali Andrew Owen

head of public relations

Nature is the mother of the physical life so I embrace it's preservation through sustainable practices


Green Urbanization

Our green urban-ism framework is formulated in principles including: climate and context, renewable energy for zero CO 2 emissions, zero waste, water, landscape, gardens and biodiversity, sustainable transport and good public space, sustainable materials for population density and developing of existing districts.

This program is also focusing on developing estates to promote sustainable environments which will create a good, natural living space for the communities.

Green Urbanization

Water is life

This statement sweeps across living things since without water we can all lose our lives. This stretches from plant life, animal kingdom up to human beings. Without supply of clean and safe water, we can all lose our lives. At LEAF LIVES AFRICA we believe all people have a right to clean and safe water for consumption as part of humanity. We are fostering and campaigning for clean and safe water for indigenous communities .

Green Urbanization

Clean Air Coalition

With the rising industries across the globe our world is prone to having challenges with clean air due to high toxic emissions from these industries. Our biggest target is to capture the carbon emitted by these companies through growing of more trees especially bamboo trees to combat this.

Clean air is a human right to all people and we still have the chance to fix whatever that went wrong.

Hunger Fight

Our world is at risk of food insecurity if we do not take climate matters seriously, with the change in climate, prolonged drought, political instabilities, we might not be able to produce enough for our stomachs. We therefore, come up to champion food production on a large scale to ensure that a would-be hunger epidemic is prevented.

Youth Training About Sustainability

Women Involvement in Climate Matters

A good lesson learnt from COVID-19 was hunger, poverty in families. It's very essential to involve women in climate matters since they are always on the frontline in everything. Women give life, they exercise and nurture lives too. Therefore, it would be a better world as women champion these matters to solve the would-be poverty, hunger in single mother families too.

Women Involvement in Climate Matters

Youth Training About Sustainability

Many outcomes of the COVID-19 are increased single mothers who are young, illiterate, in poverty and therefore cannot even sustain their families. Our youth training and empowerment program comes to train them and educate them how to navigate and sustain life through involvement in agricultural practices for not only consumption but also sell in order to afford education and medical bills for their children. This will also help fight poverty among the young generation who are the future of tomorrow.

Youth Training About Sustainability

Our Mission

At Leaf Lives Africa we're passionate about nourishing people and the planet. Our mission is to revolutionize food systems, combat hunger and promote sustainable living. We believe that every individual deserves access to nutritious food, clean water and a healthy environment.